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  Benoît Khoy spiritual life coach

My life journey

Hello, my name is Benoît.

I'm originally from the Paris region. From a young age, I've navigated my life's journey, shaped by the various lessons life has taught me. For many years, I didn't truly understand my purpose or the significance of my existence. Life's ups and downs led me to adopt a negative perspective.

My view of myself and the world felt devoid of meaning, as if life were meant to be lived in suffering. The more I dwelled on this, the more it seemed true—my experiences matched my expectations. Why live a life of suffering? This inner turmoil persisted for so long that it became a habit. Then one day, I turned to spirituality.

For the past 13 years, I've been working on myself. Before, I was entrenched in a misguided form of spirituality. I encountered darkness. However, this period allowed me to learn about the harmful influences of negative emotions on the mind.

Through these lessons in darkness, I learned how to harness my spiritual abilities to counteract negative forces. One day, I chose to return to the light. I came to understand something essential: we have the power to become who we wish to be. Previously, I was unaware of the basic principles of the universe.

This is how we all learn to live. We begin in a state of unconsciousness, unaware of who we are or the true meaning of life. In this state, we become what we believe ourselves to be.

This is part of learning in ignorance. I became what I believed about myself. Over time, these beliefs shaped my reality—or so it seemed. Then one day, I received a message from the universe.

This message resonated deeply in my heart...

A guide told me, "You are love." I was shocked at first. I had felt so rejected by the light, believing myself to be insignificant, as though life without suffering was impossible.

That message allowed me to feel more significant. What I realized was that I had been gravely mistaken about myself. I had been thinking with hatred; I needed to learn to think with love in order to rediscover my light, my true self.

Since that day, I made a definitive and irreversible decision. I chose a positive path rooted in love, to free myself from all those limiting and unnecessary negative beliefs. The beginning of this new journey wasn't easy. I became aware of just how much harm we can inflict on ourselves.

The negative force, amplified by thoughts, is formidable. The body and mind need time to adapt to new, positive instructions. Cultivating a positive and compassionate mindset has been a truly enlightening journey.

Every part of me that contributed to negativity became a stepping stone for growth. I told myself that if I was responsible for becoming who I was in negativity, I would also be responsible for who I would become in my light. Today, I am happy to live in the love I've found within.

I have found the strength to make peace with myself. I have also made peace with the world. Duality is simply a lesson. We can end duality by learning to live with compassionate love.

How I became a spiritual life coach

My personal experiences have served as a foundation for my learning. I've come to understand human challenges through my own humanity. Since birth, I've always had an innate ability for magnetism.

In 2017, I started my own business to become a professional energy healer. I met many people along the way. It was a fascinating career, and the people I encountered were incredible.

I was deeply touched by the trust people placed in me, to the extent that some parents even brought their babies to me because they couldn't sleep through the night.

I trained in hypnosis and professional coaching, believing that gaining more skills would deepen my understanding of human nature. However, I soon realized that a certificate doesn't determine the quality of a coach.

The knowledge I've gained in my approach to wellness and spirituality cannot be taught in a traditional classroom setting.

I have the ability to convey the wisdom of my soul through my heart. I came to understand that energy healing is not my spiritual path; it's not my true calling. I've worked with energies long enough to realize that we can only influence our own personal energies from within. This is why I decided to step away from magnetism.

As a spiritual coach, my skills allow me to guide individuals in learning how to use their own spiritual resources to independently evolve toward their highest life potential.

My role is to assist in the emotional release from negative mindsets. This release will create a new perception, more aligned with inner harmony and peace.

Becoming authentic and understanding how to express love is the foundation of happiness. My professional skills enable me to guide individuals in rediscovering their natural way of being, rooted in their hearts.

Reclaiming one's authenticity in the expression of love is deeply personal; it is the foundation that brings all of life's virtues.

My other activities

I have several hobbies that contribute to my overall happiness. As a songwriter and composer, I create meditative music and occasionally craft songs that promote love and peace.

I am also passionate about writing and work as an author. Sharing my knowledge through writing has been a valuable means of personal growth, thanks to the insights from my heart.

Additionally, I have launched a YouTube channel dedicated to spirituality. On this platform, I share messages and introspective exercises for the benefit of everyone.

Thank you for your attention.

Peace and love.
