Choice determine destiny


Is Destiny Already Determined?

Certain beliefs suggest that we are inevitably bound to a singular, predetermined destiny. This holds true if we remain focused solely on this belief. When we feel as though we are merely enduring life, we become vulnerable to the future.

Are We Destined to Endure Life?

This is merely a matter of perspective. In reality, each of us has the opportunity to choose our own destiny. Depending on the choices we make and our actions, our life path will take a certain direction, leading to various outcomes, a concept often referred to as the law of return. If we choose to align ourselves with our highest potential, the return will be positive and just. Conversely, if we remain anchored in negative beliefs about ourselves or life, the return will reflect that negativity.

What Is Belief?

A belief is an idealized or limiting image of a subject or person, leading to a way of thinking based on our perception. This belief becomes real to us when we experience it internally. This is something we unconsciously learn through daily life. Based on our experiences and journey, we all develop our own vision of life, whether accurate or not. Everything has unfolded as it was meant to. While we cannot go back, detaching from past worries allows us to access the present moment with full awareness. Painful experiences have been lived and are real. Our unconscious mind remains trapped in this past reality, limiting us here and now. Understanding these beliefs and what we have learned from our experiences helps us not to repeat them and to progress with greater awareness.

Closing the Door on Our Limitations

Escaping the game of life is essential. Is our current reality truly the only one? Is what seems impossible actually impossible?

Life is not a game. Our lives are precious and must be preserved in the best possible state of being and thinking. Yes, it depends on us. We have the power to shape our lives; it is up to us to take the first step and move forward without looking back. In your introspection, observe yourself as you are now, without judgment or self-criticism. Simply observe to understand yourself better: your thinking patterns, your behavior, your emotions, and feelings in their current expression.

If you are in harmony with yourself, balancing your inner life with your daily life, you are in the right state of mind. If you feel resistance between your mindset and your daily life, there are blockages to explore and bring to consciousness. Awareness is the beginning of liberation. Rest assured, everyone is affected. When information surfaces, allow it to emerge without resistance or hardness. Simply welcome it with all your love.

Choosing Limits or Choosing the Infinite

It is undeniably easier for us to choose limits. Why opt for simplicity when we can live complexity? This paradox stems from a lack of information in our earthly culture. We experience life in a limited manner to better find ourselves. We all possess infinite potential and are creators of our own lives. Reflect on this information and how it resonates with you. Do you feel aligned with it or not? What attracts or repels you when considering your unlimited potential? Are you capable of creating the life you truly desire? The goal is to help you see life from a different perspective compared to our common third-dimensional perception. Learning to listen to yourself is a virtue.

Being Victorious in the Infinite

When our mindset is limitless, grounded in our true inner love, our victory is assured. Nothing can oppose this gentle yet powerful force of love. How much do you love yourself? To help with this, ask yourself: Do I have valid reasons not to love myself? Listen and feel what comes up. If there are aspects of yourself that you dislike, start by accepting them. The more you accept what you dislike, the more you can transform it, and gradually become your greatest inner beauty. Always aim for the victory of your true beauty. You will then experience your infinite potential without limits. Living in complete harmony with yourself is the key to your victory.

Accepting Duality

Why duality?

This question is intriguing because we currently live in an environment of duality. We experience both external and internal duality. One way to overcome external duality is to make peace with oneself. Being at peace is always beneficial. Wherever we find peace is the best place to be. Cultivating this inner peace, even in the face of adversity, is a continual exercise but beneficial in the long run. What does peace inspire in you? Does it seem possible, just for yourself? I sincerely wish you find and experience your inner peace.

In conclusion, living in the present moment with inner peace is a gift we are all capable of giving ourselves. No one is more or less than another. Beyond this dualistic belief, we are all limitless beings born of love. Love is our most precious force to preserve in order to live better through duality. Let us find peace together. Take good care of yourself.

Peace and Love

Benoit 🙏♥️🙏