How to hear the messages from the universe


The Universe Sends Us Messages

At every moment in our lives, whether consciously or not, we are guided by the universal spirit of love in which we all exist. This spirit of universal love represents the unity we left for a time to experience life here on Earth during our incarnation. We came to Earth with a common purpose: to learn self-love and love for others. Each of us also has a personal goal within our individual life paths. We all benefit from this unconditional support to help us live our best possible lives. Being able to clearly hear the messages intended for us is essential for guiding us correctly towards our most beautiful destiny. Living in full awareness is part of the learning we must assimilate to become creators of our own lives. No one is left abandoned; only our internal perception can give us a feeling of isolation.

Returning to Your True Self

Who are we really? Have you ever asked yourself this question: Who am I?

It is interesting to ask this question when seeking to understand your life, your path, and what happiness might look like. Discover how you are truly, without the limiting beliefs imposed on you by yourself or others. Being simply as you are, in your deep self-knowledge, is essential. It is easy to create a personal identity based on experience, desires, and aspirations, thinking you fully know yourself. However, does this self-knowledge truly reflect your inner truth?

There is a simple way to know if you genuinely understand yourself. If you live in inner peace, even in adversity, and are in harmony with yourself, these are signs of a deep self-awareness, accepting both yourself and the external world as they are.

How to Achieve Self-Knowledge

There is a universal law that offers the opportunity to rediscover our true way of being: the Law of Return. Often associated with karma or punishment, this law is actually about maintaining balance. All intentions and actions will result in a corresponding return. This law is particularly useful when your intention is to reconnect with your full self, freed from earthly conditioning, embodying your true beauty as a human and shining with light.

You can experiment with this intention by rediscovering your heart's splendor. Focus on your chest, think strongly of universal love, imagine roots extending from the soles of your feet deeply into the Earth, and branches of light reaching up from the top of your head into the stars. State your intention sincerely and aloud to rediscover yourself in your light, in your true love. Bring the roots back up and the branches in, allowing yourself to relax, listen to your body, and feel your energies express themselves. Afterward, record your experience. Note everything you felt, saw, and heard. This exercise is useful for enhancing conscious perception through bodily sensations. Sometimes the universe sends messages this way. It communicates through feelings, emotions, and, for those who experience telepathy, thoughts.

Establishing Visual Contact with the Universe

What does the night and the stars inspire in you? When night falls, we can see the vastness of planets and stars surrounding Earth. This beauty can prompt various thoughts. Perhaps you have wondered if we are alone in the universe or if other forms of life exist elsewhere. You will have opportunities to experience visual contact through the stars. Choose a clear night with minimal light pollution, ideally in a rural area. If in a city, find a secluded spot in nature, or try from a window or balcony. Use this moment as a time of reflection. Allow yourself to unwind and clear your mind by looking at the stars. When you feel ready, focus on the source of love with your heart and connect with love. While looking at the stars, ask: "If you are there, can you please show yourself? Thank you."

If you are ready and your heart is sincere, you might see beautiful manifestations. These could include a moving star or flashes of light. Moving stars are often satellites, but if they appear right as you look up, it is less likely. Experiment and become familiar with your personal contact with the sky. There are no universal rules for connecting with the universe—only your personal experiences. When you feel lost or have questions about yourself or your life, ask them aloud. You will likely receive an answer, though it might take time. If you see no manifestations, don't be discouraged. The universe will always align with your level of evolution. You will only see and hear what you are ready for. The more you delve into your inner love, the more your consciousness will expand. Trust in your heart's beauty and your greatest abilities.

Becoming Your Own Guide

Knowing, accepting, and loving yourself, and extending that love, is the path to becoming your own guide. Being guided towards your most beautiful inner realization is a gift of every moment. Listen only to advice that directs you towards love and peace. Advice rooted in duality is merely illusion. Currently, Earth is in duality; it is wise to be cautious of shadows that attempt to exert destructive influence. These shadows disappear when our conscious light is balanced within our emotions. Embracing your inner love requires endurance, especially in facing past blockages and pains. Remember, love is the key, the universal answer to all questions.

Feel free to share your experiences in the comments. I would love to hear from you.

I wish you a beautiful week filled with love. Enjoy the present moment, the best of moments.

Peace and Love

Benoit 🙏❤️🙏