I am sovereign over my life


The Law of Inner Sovereignty

It's time to reclaim your inner greatness and regain your power of decision and action with full awareness. Universal laws are invaluable assets; they are the key principles that guide us through life. Knowing and applying these laws will bring you countless blessings. These laws are connected to the heart, the center of the soul and universal consciousness. In this article, I will remind you of the principle of sovereignty and your free will. By fully embracing your free will, you may rediscover dormant memories and unlock the keys within you. If you feel ready, we will explore both your conscious and unconscious limits with the aim of achieving an unlimited state of mind.


Take a sheet of paper and a pencil to document your experience. Honesty with yourself is a virtue.

  1. Get Comfortable: Find a comfortable position. Take deep breaths while focusing on a point on the wall. Allow yourself to sink into deep relaxation. Your eyelids will begin to close on their own. The more relaxed you become, the more they will close. This is a form of self-suggestion.

  2. Body Awareness: Once your eyes are fully closed, feel your body from head to toe. Let your energies express themselves and observe how they do so. If you sense any blockages or discomfort, accept them. Embrace everything you feel.

  3. Heart Focus: To cleanse your energies, focus on your heart. Imagine your love circulating throughout your body. Feel the sensations that your loving energy provides. As you release your inner love, your subconscious will begin to unlock any current limitations.

  4. Explore Your Limits: When you feel completely relaxed, ask your subconscious to show you what is limiting you and what its origins are. Allow the answers and sensations to emerge. You might feel, hear, or see things. Know that the responses will align with your understanding.

  5. Connect to Your Soul: Once you have received the information, request that your subconscious connect you to your soul, your light consciousness. Allow yourself to enter this state of awareness. Take time to feel your light being and explore your capabilities through your deep consciousness.

  6. Affirmation: When you are ready, say: "I reclaim my infinite abilities. I now choose to be sovereign of my life. I am free to think and act. I thank myself for being limitless, and I am grateful for guiding me in my splendor." Let your words resonate within your energies. Then, conclude the exercise.

When stating your intentions, speak with your heart, with love, and be convinced of your words. Most importantly, feel and live your words as truths.

This exercise combines a universal truth: your freedom to live according to your desires and convictions, and the power of your spoken words. Words spoken aloud are established as decisions in the universe.

Give yourself time to achieve what you wish. Time will always be your best ally.

Feel free to share your experience in the comments.

Wishing you a beautiful week of love.

Peace and Love🙏❤️🙏
