Intuition: A Reliable Asset



It is natural to experience each day as a discovery, embracing every moment as it comes. Life would be quite dull if we could predict every second and every event that might occur. Where would be the benefit in living that way, other than in a constant pursuit of control, preventing us from embracing the richness of learning through life's myriad experiences?

Many people seek out fortune-telling services in an attempt to control their lives by predicting future events, often becoming dependent on the belief that their destiny is pre-determined and unattainable. Tarot readings can be valuable when used for personal development, to understand blocked situations, and to identify areas for improvement in order to access new opportunities for positive change. However, fortune-telling is not an exact science, and life is not predetermined. While we can glimpse broad outlines of the future, we have the power to make new choices that will lead to different outcomes. Ultimately, the future is shaped by the choices we make along our journey. Uncertainty in life is not a negative aspect; on the contrary, it brings beautiful surprises. When we are confident in our sincere beliefs, life becomes our personal canvas for creation. Mastering our destiny means being aware of our thoughts and actions while staying aligned with our convictions.

Intuition as a Compass

Listening to our intuition is essential for achieving our greatest dreams. Intuition is a form of intelligence that always surfaces when we need it most. We often tend to ignore it, whether due to doubt or fear, leading to surprise or regret. Paying attention to this inner guide and using it effectively can prevent many future inconveniences. Everyone possesses intuition; the difference lies in those who are aware of it and those who are not. Have you ever experienced intuition? In your past experiences, did you listen to your intuition? What were the outcomes?

Recognizing Intuition

Intuition generally manifests through physical sensations, emotions, or fleeting mental images. It often provides alerts, especially when significant disruptions may be imminent. I once ignored my intuition one evening when I was with a friend and needed to go meet someone else. I mentioned to my friend that I wondered if it might be wiser to stay. I had physical sensations that gave me chills, and I felt on edge as if I were on high alert. I proceeded with my plans and ended up in a car accident with a vehicle I had purchased just two months earlier. My friend remarked, "The worst part is that you even mentioned it."

Intuition can also guide us towards our greatest dreams. When we have heartfelt projects or ideas, it is our intuition that sets us on that path. When significant ideas come to us, it is crucial to pay close attention. They may be the most rewarding projects of our lives. Here is a small anecdote:

Since 2011, I had always felt I wasn't in the right region. I was living in the Paris area and could no longer tolerate the atmosphere and lack of nature. Although there were nice spots to visit, the region wasn't conducive to a fulfilling spiritual life. I always believed my life would be in Brittany, and I never abandoned the plan to move there. Eight years later, in 2019, I received a transfer to Finistère along with a promotion.

In conclusion, whether for your projects or alert signals, trust yourself and always listen to your intuition. It will always be your best ally.

Take care of yourself.

Peace and Love

Benoit 🙏❤️🙏