Learning from the past to restore inner balance


For this week's article, I shared an image of Jesus carrying his cross. The cross symbolizes the heavy burdens that continue to influence our life choices and perpetuate certain patterns today. The sun represents the light on the horizon, while Jesus' halo signifies his righteousness and wisdom despite his immense suffering. I want to clarify that I am not religious; my spiritual understanding is based solely on my personal knowledge and its application, which has allowed me to achieve my life goals.

Repentance as a Universal Law

In life, no one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes in their choices and behaviors. The beliefs we form are numerous and inevitable, as ignorance or self-forgetting can lead us to follow a path that doesn't serve us well. Mistakes are, in essence, experiences that offer knowledge. From these errors, we can rebound and move towards a more fulfilling destiny.

Repentance involves recognizing that we may have been wrong about ourselves, that we may have hurt others, or that we have inflicted harm upon ourselves. This repentance is a beautiful process—a decision to return to an inner world filled with magic and benefits, allowing us to live more serenely. The universal law of repentance asserts that everyone has the right to repent for their self-forgetting and will be forgiven, regardless of their actions, provided their repentance is sincere. The universe responds to sincerity by restoring balance for all. Only through awareness, choices, and actions can the desired change occur progressively.

What does repentance inspire in you? Pay attention to your feelings and emotions and observe what it triggers in the moment. Breathe deeply, relax your body, and let silence settle within you. Then, focus on your heart. Ask your subconscious to help you feel what repentance truly means to you. Allow yourself to be guided. Feel free to document your experience. Keeping a spiritual journal can be very helpful. Sometimes, as you review your notes over time, you might find that you have recorded answers to questions you had.


Is it difficult to forgive?

Depending on one's level of consciousness, forgiveness can be challenging, or even seem impossible. We often distinguish between minor, forgivable acts and heinous acts that appear deserving of punishment. When you reach a state of unconditional love for yourself, you begin to release emotional attachments that previously confined you to limiting beliefs about life and held you back with resentment. We all project our pain onto others without realizing it, constantly seeking an unattainable perfection that does not exist. Pursuing perfection is a form of mental control. When your mind is in harmony with your heart, you live in the present moment without trying to control everything. You simply exist and live in your simplicity.

Forgiveness is a gateway to liberating oneself and others. When you achieve the strength to forgive yourself and others, you grasp the extent of your freedom. Is the heavy cross of pain truly significant? Does it provide strength? Is it a source of virtue?

In my experience, I have faced many situations where forgiveness seemed impossible due to the severity of the actions involved. However, one day, even without apologies from the wrongdoers, I found the strength to forgive, though I chose not to maintain my presence. I questioned why I should continue to suffer endlessly when life holds so much more value than these pains.

Forgiving oneself is as important as forgiving others. True self-love facilitates self-forgiveness. The more sincerely we love ourselves, the more we shed unnecessary burdens and gain positive creativity.

Where do you stand with forgiveness? Do you struggle to forgive yourself or others? If it helps, observe your tendency to judge yourself and others, and what you seek to control in yourself and others. Understanding these details may provide a key to your liberation.

Self-love enables us to achieve ultimate balance. There is no other force that allows for emotional equilibrium. Everything you do, do it with love. Reflect on what you have accomplished so far—wasn't it the power of your love that led to your beautiful successes?

I wish you a wonderful week filled with love.

See you next week.

Peace and Love

Benoit 🙏♥️🙏