The traps of appearances


In today's society, we tend to focus on appearances rather than on what we truly feel. It is challenging to believe that we can perceive energies through appearance alone. We are indirectly taught that physical appearance is more important, often neglecting the energy we emit through our thoughts and positive vitality. While this energy may not always be visible, it is felt within us. When we are awake, or in the process of awakening, we begin to discern the truth behind appearances. We start to sense the deeper intention, even if the outward appearance suggests otherwise. It is crucial to distinguish between what we are led to believe and what we genuinely perceive. Listening to ourselves and paying attention to bodily sensations are infallible indicators of our true perception.

Exercise to Listen to Your Energies in Your Physical Body:

  1. Find a comfortable position. Let your thoughts come and go as you focus on your breathing. Allow yourself to relax during this time to achieve inner calm.
  2. Once you feel completely relaxed, concentrate on your navel. Feel the expression of your energies. Sense the energies in your abdomen and emotions.
  3. Then, shift your focus to your chest. Listen to your sensations and the expression of your energies.
  4. When you are finished, open your eyes.

You may wish to note your experiences. By regularly practicing this exercise and tuning into your emotions and deep feelings, you will gain insight into your true perceptions. Sometimes, we may feel or think things that do not belong to us. Distinguishing between what is truly ours and what is not helps us live more peacefully. Learning to listen to and feel ourselves is part of self-discovery and self-awareness. When you learn to listen to yourself correctly, you will be able to consciously sense the energies around you, whether in nature or in the people around you. Your inner perception will shift from being based on appearances to being rooted in your inner feelings.

I wish you all a beautiful week filled with love.