Utilize your deep resources in the present moment


The Knowledge of the Heart

Every being carries innate knowledge. These are universal instructions, partly dormant, latent in our subconscious. When consciousness awakens, it becomes quite simple to rediscover aspects of ourselves in our entirety and deep convictions. Awakening consciousness does not mean achieving full realization; rather, it marks the beginning of a long process of inner transformation. As we reconnect with our divine consciousness or open spiritually, we seek a multitude of sources to further our personal development. There are countless books on spirituality and many spiritual training programs available. While it is beneficial to explore and gather knowledge, it is crucial to understand that one person's truth may not necessarily be another's. Learning by rote without feeling and living those lessons is not a just spiritual instruction. Spirituality is felt and lived fully. The essence of spiritual awakening resides in the heart.

Why the Heart?

The heart is the center of both physical and psychological life. It represents the point of unconditional inner balance. When the heart shines, our lives acquire a meaningful and pleasant direction; we live our purpose. Awakening our spiritual knowledge depends solely on the opening of our consciousness in our heart. The heart center is where our deep truth, our inner light, resides. Fully awakening the heart center is a long and ongoing process. Before reaching this level of self-conviction and understanding our life's role or mission, there are inevitable stages and life tests that help us determine if our life choices are sincere.

Time and Discipline

Patience and perseverance are essential when pursuing any goal. A disciplined mindset is a virtue. Remaining anchored in our deep convictions and consistently applying what we wish to become helps turn repetition into a lasting habit. On paper or in words, this seems easy. You may have noticed that even when we understand, applying spiritual knowledge to daily life is not always straightforward. This discipline is acquired over time. As our consciousness awakens, our soul's will strengthens, and we gradually become what we are truly meant to be. All ego-related masks fade, and our sufferings are released and purified. The goal is to make our deep love as pure as possible, so we can live with the greatest benefits and the fewest drawbacks.

You can perform this simple subconscious test: Take a piece of paper and a pen. Draw a heart surrounded by a sun. Write the word "Love" above it. Below, write "Drawbacks = None" and "Benefits = Infinite." Next to this, draw a dark cloud with lightning and write "Suffering" above it. Below, note "Benefits = None" and "Drawbacks = Infinite." Take some time to relax and release all tension from your body. Focus on your chest, imagining it filled with pink light. Feel this color expressing itself, as it represents your self-love, which is infinite. Then, turn your attention to the diagram you created. Listen to your sensations as you think about love and its benefits. Do the same for suffering. What are your feelings? What would be your choice between love and suffering? This exercise will help you listen to your body, sensations, and energy expressions.

Peace and love 🙏❤️🙏